The drug most common to Vancouver's 1960s and 70s youth culture was cannabis, which initially came up from Mexico in the form of marijuana, followed by importations from South America (Columbian Gold) and Southeast Asia (Thai Sticks). Although the Mainstreeters were careful not to be seen smoking pot in their videotapes (or using illegal drugs of any kind), it is clear from their behaviour that they are occasionally under its influence.
A form of cannabis favoured by the group was hashish, which originated in countries such as Lebanon (Blonde Leb, Red Leb) and Afghanistan (Black Affy), before these countries were invaded and supply ceased. The Mainstreeter most often recalled as a connoisseur of hash and how to smoke it is Ken, who enjoyed heating up the knives and constructing the drug's associated paraphernalia.
"Hot knifing" is best when one has access to a gas stovetop, where the knives (preferably two table knives) are heated. While waiting for the knives to heat up, pieces of hash are rolled into tiny balls and deposited on a white plate. Once heated, the knives are removed by the user who touches one knife to the hash ball and (because the hash usually sticks to the knife) presses it against the other, creating a sudden cloud of smoke, which the user quickly inhales.